Pengalaman dan Pengajaran Iman Ketakase Menurut Paus Fransiskus

Paul Budi Kleden


Pope Francis pays a serious attention towards cathecists. The catechists have become lay apostles to help the priests in translating the Word of God into people’s life contects. The significance of the role of the cathecists has made them one of the main subjects in the promotion of christian faith. In conection with this Pope Francis again and again reminds us in his Evangelii Gaudium apostolic exhortation that the most important truth about the cathecism, is that every cahtecism activity should “begin with Christ”. Jesus Christ shoud be the starting point of the teaching rendered by a cathecist.

Kata Kunci

Cathecist; faith instruction; catechism; evangelii gaudium

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Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano, “V. Conferencia General des Episcopado Latinoamericano y del Caribe, Documento Conlusivo”, Santa Cruz: Centro Industrial Don Bosco, 2007.

Dr. Gerard O'Shea, “The Vision of Pope Francis for Catechesis”, dalam The Catechetical Review, 1.1/2013.

Francis, “Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium”, Vatikan: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013.

_______ ’ message to catechists: “An injured Church is better than a closed Church”, Vatikan Insider, church-is-better-than-a-closed-church-7Exas5z9wuEjiqRNLt31dI/pagina.html, diakses pada 2 Desember 2015.

Paul Budi Kleden, Berteologi Dari Pinggir Kemapanan, Menjawabi Permasalahan Eksistensial Dan Sosial, dalam Paul Budi Kleden dkk, (eds.), Allah Menggugat – Allah Menyembuhkan. Maumere: Ledalero 2011.

Paus Yohanes Paulus II, Fides et Ratio (Iman dan Akal Budi), terj. R. Hardawiryana, Jakarta: Departemen Dokumentasi dan Penerangan KWI 1999.


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